
Heimlich Heroes Blog


Aug 21, 2017

Sleep, Snacks, Carpools and Germs – Back to School We Go!

Do you ever feel like all you do once the school begins is drive your kids, check book bags, pack lunches, and try to get your kids to bed early enough so that they will be well rested the next day? You are not alone. Most parents feel the weight of this busy season. And, on top of that you want your kiddos to stay safe and healthy, avoid the flu, and have a fun and productive year of learning.

So, as your kids head back to school, check out these quick health and safety reminders:

Washing Germs Away
Washing your hands is the best way to prevent illness. Kids are active in school and touching many surfaces where they pick up germs. Those germs spread quickly when they rub their eyes, nose, or mouth.

Remind your kids to wash their hands:

  • Before eating
  • After going to the bathroom
  • After coughing or sneezing
  • After touching a classroom pet

And, tell them that it should be more than a quick splash of water and a squirt of soap. Read more great information and tips on hand washing here.

Getting Enough Sleep
The proper amount of sleep is critical for kids to do well in school. Lack of sleep can cause irritability, or difficulty concentrating. A set bedtime and bedtime routine prepares kids for a successful school day. The general rule of thumb for school aged kids is 9-12 hours of sleep per day.

You can read more about developing a health sleep routine and the recommended amount of sleep for your child here.

Lunch and Snack Safety
Choking can happen to anyone at anytime and young children are more likely to choke than older teens and adults. Food causes 50% of choking emergencies. And, you can help reduce the chances of choking for your child.

During lunch or snack time, remind your child to:

  • Take small bites
  • Chew food thoroughly
  • Be careful not to laugh, run, or goof around while eating

Teaching your child the Heimlich Maneuver® can save a life, too. Kids are able and capable! Heimlich Heroes™ wants your child to be prepared in a choking emergency.

In August 2015 fourth-grade classmates Mariyah and Ryan participated in the Heimlich Heroes training. Shortly after the training Ryan choked on a piece of bread while eating lunch. Because they knew how to respond in a choking emergency, Mariyah jumped into action and saved Ryan's life.

You can share our age appropriate training videos with your child teach them how to recognize, respond to and prevent a choking emergency. You can also share our program information with your school nurse to bring the training to your child's class! Learn more about Heimlich Heroes and register your group here.

Safe Transportation
Whether your child takes the bus, bikes, walks, or is driven to school, here are some important things to remember.

School Bus Safety:

  • Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching the bus
  • Stay seated on the bus at all times
  • Wait for the bus driver to signal for you to cross the street

Bike Reminders:

  • Always wear a helmet
  • Use appropriate hand signals and know the rules of the road
  • Practice your route before school
  • Wear a reflective jacket if biking in the morning or evening

When Walking:

  • Always look both ways before crossing the street
  • Follow walking signs when crossing the street
  • Find other kids from the neighborhood your child can walk with

In the Car:

  • Use an age appropriate car seat
  • Always wear a seat belt
  • Only age appropriate children should sit in the front passenger seat

Click here for more details on transportation safety.

We hope these tips were good reminders for you. We encourage you to look also into the topics of: bullying; being involved, but not overscheduled; and, setting up homework expectations and routines with your kids.

Have a happy, safe and healthy school year!