Popular Training Options

Interactive Virtual Learning Lesson – Here’s how it works:

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Kids (grades 2-3)

Our Interactive Virtual Learning Lesson combines our training video with the graphics and notetaking tools that our paper copy includes, PLUS students take a final quiz so the leader can track comprehension results. Students go at their own pace, but we have timed this part of the lesson at about 15-20 minutes. The lesson includes sections of teaching with some interaction, knowledge checks, and a final quiz. All parts of this module are narrated (including the quiz questions and answer choices), so the youngest readers can follow along, but not get frustrated with the reading level… MORE 

Currently available in English.

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Kids (grades 4-7)

Learners in these grades will have the same Interactive Virtual Lesson as those in grades 2-3, but in the final quiz each question’s answer choices will be randomized and are not narrated. In our pilots, kids in these grades believed the information to be important and thought the lesson was effective in its teaching… MORE

Currently available in English.

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Teens (grades 8-12 Virtual Lesson)
Parents/Staff/Adult Volunteers (Virtual Lesson)

Ideal as a repeat lesson or for those who have never learned the Heimlich Maneuver®. These participants will have a printable or digital pdf that allows them to take important information with them as they leave the training. They Have a 15-20 minute interactive online lesson that includes a final quiz… MORE

Materials currently available in English.